Alkiviades "Alki" David is the heir to the Coca-Cola Hellenic shipping and bottling company[1] and digital media entrepreneur whose companies include FilmOn.TV Networks, Channel 3 Dish Networks in California and Nevada, Channel 8 Los Angeles, KILM Channel 64 Los Angeles (formerly KHIZ), . David has also appeared in feature films, including The Bank Job, and on UK TV.
David is a Nigeria-born Greek Cypriot[2][3] who was educated at Le Rosey in Switzerland.[4] His father, Andrew A. David (1934–2000),[5] was a managing director of Hellenic Bottling Company S.A,[6] which merged in 2000 with Coca-Cola Beverages into Coca-Cola Hellenic. After serving in the British Army, he studied film at the Royal College of Art in London, England, and then moved to Los Angeles, California, where he lived for eight years and was part-owner of a film post-production company.[2] In 1998 he returned to London and co-founded Independent Models, an agency whose models included Helena Christensen.[3][1]
He was married and divorced twice, having two sons with his first wife.[3][7] He met second wife Emma McAllister in 2004, marrying her in 2007, and separating in 2009.[1] As of 2011 he is married to Jennifer Stano, a swimsuit designer and former model who founded Have Faith Swimwear with David in Beverly Hills, California, in 2010. [8]
In the 2008 film The Bank Job, David played a bank-vault expert hired by Jason Statham to help with a bank heist.[3][1]
FilmOn, a video-on-demand website and mobile service which is an extension of his 111Pix distribution venture.[9], a peer-to-peer video streaming website and community[10] whose offerings including Fight Night and other pay-per-view tournaments built around mixed martial arts, gaming and comedy.[10] David advertised for this venture by offering cash to the first person who streaks in a legal manner in front of US President Barack Obama,[1][11] and by hosting a faked assisted suicide.[12], an online retailer founded in 2011[13]
CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox Broadcasting and their studios won a temporary restraining order against David's FilmOn in November 2010 to prevent unlicensed use of their broadcast signals . David sued CBS, dropped the suit, and sued CBS Interactive in November 2011, alleging copyright infringement due to the CNET website having editorially covered infringing uses of peer-to-peer file-sharing software.[1][14][15][16] In June 2013, David filed a countersuit against the four networks seeking a ruling that providing Internet technology for receiving over-the-air broadcast signals at no charge does not violate broadcasters' copyrights.[17]
This is a screen shot of the web page part way through the video. The photographer states this is where they were actually bringing Michael out on the stretcher". You never see a stretcher but this is what you do see - a man that appears to look like "Michael Jackson". This came out over four years ago and now I see this a bit different: IF THIS IS TRUTH IN REPORTING - WHICH IT MAY WELL BE: Fact: Article dated 06/21/2010 Footage is owned by Ben Evenstad taken through the gate of "Jackson Home" The Title of his video is "Michael Jackson: Ambulance at Neverland IF I AM NOT MISTAKEN THE AMBULANCE WAS AT CAROLWOOD THE AMBULANCE WAS AT CAROLWOOD ON JUNE 25, 2009 NOT 6/21/10 AND MICHAEL IS STANDING UP - AND ALIVE - NOT IN A COMA ON A STRETCHER Here is the link from the article still available to view the entire video.
The End? I believe this is all part of the performance art project going on before us.. as we heard in "This is It" The biggest demonstration for freedom in our nation" Here is the link to the article so you can listen to the video - important that you do... it does not reflect what the written text implies.... yellow journalism..... rabbit hole... Hear my words that I might reach you.... Did you catch he said yellow Ferrari.....
This Is It has the Smooth Criminal scenes reminiscent of "Moonwalker" Movie - Moonwalker contains the spiders - the three children similar to Prince, Paris & Blanket. It involves Michael fighting the drug war... and in the end appears to leave in a "spaceship" of some sorts - and return in the end to the three children. He takes them into the back door of what seems to be an other "theater" and then we see him performing "Come Together" (I did a previous post showing how badly this was edited) A Friend of mine - Lisa - brought up Liberian Girl - we've known the references within the hoax the program offered at the Forest Lawn Service - with the picture of Michael as the director in which he says "That's a Wrap" So I began looking a little closer at the video Liberian Girl Video Connection to Hoax in the Early Days Noticed the numbers on this sign that starts the video and changes it to color like...
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