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B Howard to MJ as Maria to Andy Kaufman


Andy Kaufman's Last GF

He's Dead Dead Dead Dead

... I Watched Him Die

11/15/2013 1:00 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF
Andy Kaufman
is dead as a doornail and he's NOT coming back, so says his last girlfriend -- who tells TMZ, she watched him die ... and the self-proclaimed "daughter" who revealed herself this week is a big fat phony.

56-year-old Lynne Margulies tells us, she was present inside the West Hollywood hospital room when Kaufman passed away in 1984 from a rare form of lung cancer. She was there, and she insists she saw him die with her own eyes.

She says, "I was in the hospital room. I was there. They would have had to switch bodies."

Lynne is convinced the 24-year-old woman who claimed she was Kaufman's daughter this week at the Gotham Comedy Club is just "pulling an Andy" and trying to perpetuate the myth that the comic's still alive.

111313_andy_koffman_daughter_launchLynne believes Andy's brother Michael -- who was hosting the 9th Annual Andy Kaufman Awards when the mystery woman stepped forward -- is in on it too.

Andy's alive

  • Yes

  • No

Lynne says she knows Andy's REAL daughter Maria, who's in her 40s, and insists Andy has no other children.

If that's not enough, we've also obtained Andy's official L.A. County death record, which lists his date of death as May 16, 1984.

So now we'll ask again ...



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Michael Jackson

Self-Professed Long Lost Son

Going Public with DNA Evidence ... TOMORROW

3/5/2014 4:20 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF
Michael Jackson has a 31-year-old son -- at least that's what the man claims -- and we're told he plans to go public tomorrow with what he believes is ironclad DNA evidence.

His name is Brandon Howard -- the son of singer Miki Howard, whom Joe Jackson represented back in the 1980s.

Sources close to Brandon tell us, Miki and MJ met in 1982 and Brandon was born soon after.

Brandon grew up in Cleveland and now lives in Miami.  He's now a singer who goes by the name B Howard.  And he's had some success.  We're told he's part of a new Akon song.

As for why B Howard is so sure he's MJ's son ... he claims he somehow acquired DNA from an old orthodontic device worn by Michael ... it's unclear how he got hold of it, but he says the test results show a match.

The results will be unveiled Thursday on

Oh yeah ... once the DNA results are revealed, he plans to go after the MJ Estate for money.

Estate lawyer Howard Weitzman tells TMZ, "We've never even heard from him," adding, "Any deadline for claiming to be Michael's child has long since passed."

Check out the music video B Howard released in 2011 -- in which he blatantly bites MJ's dance moves and vocals.

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This "controversy" isn't a total surprise - it has already been in the media.....    take a look at this interview with Corey Feldman and B. Howard is brought into the subject of conversation and several times Corey refers to B. Howard is being part of the Jackson family and the other family - forgive me I don't know the spelling of that last name...  all makes one go  hmmm...


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