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"The Kid is Not My Son"

My thoughts are always going... so please keep checking back for updates and please understand these are just thoughts - I AM NOT suggesting that I am right or that these are even possibilities.

FIRST:    FILMON.COM   I look at that as words... film on...  like the video from One More Chance... who is being filmed.... who is on stage...  just like the words That's a Wrap

 The Song "Billie Jean" is currently 31 years old - B. Howard is 31 years old

 Pregnancy involved 9 months usually -  in weeks that would be 40 weeks

 Billie Jean is a different name than Billy

The kid is not my son - to be considered a "son" legally one must be the father listed on a birth certificate

To claim "Billie Jean is not my lover and The kid is not my son" to be related as fact to back up something in 2014 - hmm   let's talk about those words

 "Billie Jean is not my lover"  what does that mean - they aren't lovers or never were lovers... could be either.  I will take the high road and suggest it is true lyrics to life - they weren't lovers so how can that be... if the kid is not my son then it would fit and suggest the 31 yr old is not genetically his son.

 Middle road...;.    Billie Jean wasn't his lover  but the kid is his son genetically.. how can this be - uh.... sperm donation.  so Not my son is true legally and not my lover true because intercourse was not the source of conception - .

 Take the nasty road like most tabloids and humans would  .... "Billie Jean is Not my Lover"   he's lying and did the nasty and conceived a child and lies again saying "The kid is not my son".  Which do you believe is truly who Michael is?  and.... do we really think any of this is our business to know?

 When is a child given a birth certificate - before released from hospital - yesterday the "telecast" on someone stated there wasn't a birth certificate - really?  Even adopted children have a birth certificate even if the original is sealed and can't be obtained by the child even as an adult.

 Yesterday a lot of talk about is he or isn't he... some screaming that TMZ lies and then today take the newest article and run with TMZ is telling the truth it's all bogus - because it fits what their mind has already decided is the truth. 

 I look at TMZ in this hoax as  1) Teaching Tool  2) Communication Tool

 I don't think it is either right or wrong - but possibley we are being presented through TMZ items used for one or both of the suggestions above.

 Someone said.... be a scientist - dig.... and instead even five years later the majority see the surface of something and run with it to be the first to spread it on the internet - just like tabloids do - race to be the first with the dirt. 

 Looking at today's TMZ communication.

 The DNA Lab Report - LOGO. 

When I googled DNA Logos this logo was not the first to show up:

It was the fifth.  Whose to say what google would have shown yesterday... but this is what it shows at the moment - a few minutes later I did the same exact search and the logo was then in the first position..... so it alternates and probably has no real significance.  So TMZ didn't double check themselves to make sure they were making a valid point.  Not really valid if the google search changes the order like maybe randomly or some other preset way.

  So I clicked on the logo in the article:  

This is a link given for the logo showing in the google search.

   Hoax also has included lots to do with numbers and dates - so I look at the numbers in the link  399922454    what do you see? 

 I see  3  999  22454     what do you interpret?

 I interpret   3  (3x9-27)  and the rest of the numbers total 17......  so I see maybe 3/27 and 17  what is 17...  8  Michael is 8th child because of Marlon's twin Brandon   17 is also reverse of the ambulance number 71. is this just coincidence?  Maybe... maybe not? 

Your opinion is your opinion same with mine - we still don't know who is correct, right?

 So no mud slinging!

 Look at all the numbers on the Sheet:  If you have or you start watching numbers in the TMZ articles you'll see a consistant pattern of numbers of the typical ones I've seen over last several months i see these in this picture ....  so the question is why? if there is a reason. and if there is a reason what is that reason - what do the numbers mean?

 That is up to each of us interested to find for ourselves.

 14    30   8    9    10     11   25    17   16   22  

at the very bottom of this report is a Combined Paternity Index:  845182 - curious - try adding them up....   check my math ok... they add up to 10   while we are looking at numbers lets look at the date this was posted:  3/7/2014    3/7 = 10 and 2014 =17

Oh and here is the time it was posted:  1:00

Then the Probability of Paternity:  99.99999 %     2 9's then 5 9's   (25)  (7)  
 My point in all this...  TMZ today says this IS the Report used yesterday - what proof is there that this is it - yet many are running with the "story" that this is the real deal and the real deal is bogus... how do we know that... and if this is bogus - is there a real one?  That is where research begins...or really continues.

   RESIST:  These are the words below the DNA logo on the t-shirt that TMZ states is from TERMINATOR SALVATION   Movie  - so are we being pointed to the movie title / subject/release date?  IDK  are we being pointed to the words RESIST - if so RESIST what...  DNA TESTING....  DNA SAMPLE Providing... could this be a message of much bigger proportion than what we've imagined.  IDK  I have my theory.  "I'll be back" comes to mind.     I would suggest looking into the movie Terminator Salvation and why the word RESIST may be on the T shirt and mentioned in this article. 

 Allegedly....  now no one word is exclusive to the hoax... but we've all heard this word before.  Alleged... many heard it in the reading of the Conrad Murray Conviction... just interesting to me that this now becomes part of this "controversy"  and I look at the name Brandon.... why was this child given this name?   Isn't that the name of Marlon's twin that passed away after birth?  Interesting to me so is it just coincidence?  Remember your opinion is your opinion and it's not right or wrong at this point until you talk to the person that chose that name. 

 OK now lets look at the mention that one of the labs was in IRELAND... really?  Ireland - so much for coincidences right?  Ireland - I think MJ has many connections in Ireland - don't you - so wouldn't that make you ask - why Ireland?

B Howard's video....  it says  "I am not behind this"   What does that mean.  On the surface it could mean as he stated in his video..... that he did not contact TMZ and did not know about the reveal.   OR  does it mean something else... I thought it was odd that he pointed to his eye..." it's just me"....  ok.... so who is me.   And just to add this to the pot....  I will compare this video to the video Conrad Murray released like 4 years ago - - apologizing for not getting back with people that he hasn't been able to... many have suggested like the "Dave Dave on Larry King" that these "characters" may have been MJ in disguise... 

MJ's Alleged Son

DNA Test Results Are Bogus

Ripped from 'Terminator'

3/7/2014 1:00 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

Here's a shocker -- the DNA test results that allegedly prove 31-year-old Brandon Howard is Michael Jackson's son are BOGUS ... in fact, so bogus ... the logo from the so-called DNA testing lab was ripped from "Terminator Salvation."

As we reported,'s Alki David

put on a spectacle Thursday -- claiming he had DNA results proving singer B Howard was the biological son of the King of Pop. He then produced the results showing a "99.99999%" probability that MJ was Brandon's dad.

TMZ obtained a photo of the DNA doc -- allegedly from a testing facility in Ireland called "DNA Lab." We searched high and low but could find no such generic DNA lab in Ireland.

Skeptical, we investigated -- a simple Google image search of "DNA results" turns up a bunch of sample docs with the same exact
easily-stealable format as the one we got.

But the coup de grace -- we then Google image searched "DNA logo" and the first result ... literally ... was the same DNA pic used in the "DNA Lab" logo.

And that's not even the best part -- a reverse image search of the logo shows a bunch of results for "Terminator Salvation." A little more digging revealed the logo was used on PROMOTIONAL T-SHIRTS for the movie.

Can't say we're all that shocked.





MJ's Alleged Son

Positive DNA Match

Or So They Say

3/6/2014 12:30 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF
Breaking News

There's a 99.9% chance a 31-year-old man is Michael Jackson's illegitimate son ... at least that's the claim after an alleged DNA test turned up a match.

According to the test results -- obtained by Alki David and his company, -- Brandon Howard is almost certainly Michael's son. David told TMZ Live he got MJ's dental impression from a Beverly Hills doctor that he got at an auction. The impression is 30 years old but David says its filled with DNA.

Brandon -- who now goes by B Howard and looks and acts very much like Michael -- was not present for the unveiling, but David says he had Howard's DNA and it matched up.

David would not say which lab performed the DNA test, but says it showed a clear match.

Brandon's mom -- Miki Howard -- is a famous gospel singer who Michael knew. She went by the name "Billy" back in 1982. Interestingly ... a year later Michael released "Billie Jean," which included the lyrics, "Billie Jean's not my lover" and "The kid is not my son."

For B Howard's part -- he's distancing himself from the whole spectacle, insisting he had nothing to do with it.



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