Mother's MIlk - - - Propofol

Over the last several days or longer I've noticed many articles about RINGS - - Engagement Rings... then those progressed to Baby Bump Pictures.... to babies... to after having the baby figures - even in Bikinis.... now we have what appears to be "Nursing" going on.....  does this mean artistically that the show is progressing........ 

There are rings all over the District of Columbia: 

For those that didn't see the State of the Union Address this past week, I noticed that many of the women were wearing suits and outfits in "Skittles" colors  - - - like the Rainbow - - Feel the Rainbow?
Then we have Super Bowl which is going to be played at MET LIFE Stadium, these stadiums are in the shape of a oval, but the team that wins the games will each receive a "Super Bowl Ring" for their hand.
Then we have the upcoming Olympics - and they have rings too.
The rainbow colors I've been seeing for awhile not only in TMZ articles - but also in news programs on television...Since Friday I've noticed on the major cable news channels lots of coverage of the Super Bowl... comments about the Super Bowl - - - Last night Piers Morgan said his show would be back Monday which they would then talk about what will hopefully be a special day (can't remember exact words - so paraphrased a bit)
Now that we've seen Rings - Engagements - Baby Bumps - Babies - Nursing
What I conclude:  We've been lead to see the show... now lead to its conclusion... and if we've learned some, grown some, awakened some we might see the "rebirth" coming....
it is said that MJ asked for his MILK to sleep - most babies have a bottle of milk or Nurse before bed - to sleep - so to me this article is showing the Propofol..  Being that in the picture there are two nursing - that would normally indicate twins or look a like babies....  so from that I conclude this is telling us that there was a look a like that also had some MILK.


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