Happy Ending in Pictures
I Believe we have been given the Happy Ending in Pictures
Each in their own time will find the story, read it and find the Happy Ending
We will each in time learn what Love is
Are you ready?
Posted on Michael Jackson Facebook account and website on October 03, 2013
"A thousand years from now when the history of popular music is examined no
single performer will be as remembered and as celebrated as Michael Jackson." -
Prince Albert of Monaco
Michael Jackson like you've never seen him before
(Believers have been called quacks - or fruit loops)
This picture from Peter Pan reminds me of this tweet from Paris' twitter last June
and the King, his princess and the two Prince's lived happily ever after
Dreams really do come true
I was reminded of this tweet of Paris' when I saw this picture on Disney twitter today:
posted on facbook 4/29/2014
we HAVE to believe in happy endings... how bleak would life be without them! great post!