Did Thomas Sneddon know Evan Chandler ?

 I've recently looked at information on the internet about the people involved in the first accusation against Michael and those involved in the 2005 Trial Which it was PROVEN that MICHAEL was INNOCENT and compared them to some of the circumstances in the Conrad Murray Trial for Manslaughter.


 Lower part of this post are my thoughts, conclusions and questions....


Carrie Fisher (Star Wars / Actress)  Her Autobiography speaks about Evan Chandler being her dentist. Chandler known as the "dentist to the stars"  accommodating requests to be near famous people.  Giving her Morphine.  Chandler persuaded via financial incentives or favors to administer "drugs"  Chandler's license plate even read "SLEEP MD"

Carrie Fisher :  from autobiography:   Fisher refers to Chandler as "strange", referring to him as "this freak", saying Chandler told her in the privacy of a dental visit that "My son is VERY (unsettling smile, raised eyebrows, maybe even a lewd wink) good looking...It was grotesque. This man was letting me know that he had this valuable thing that Michael Jackson 'wanted'". 

Anthony Pellicano:  released a recorded phone conversation between Chandler and Dave Schwartz (Husband of his ex wife June Chandler) which was sited by the defense has being proof that Evan Chandler's alligations were an attempt to extort money from Michael Jackson and regain custody of Jordan (his & June's son) This phone call took place on July 8; Evan would claim Jordan had confessed the abuse to him on July 16.

Prior to allegations Evan Chandler had asked Michael Jackson for money before on several occassions.

Evan Chandler was more than $60,000 behind in Child Support Payments


  • Prosecution under a state statute. In California, Penal Code Section 270 states in part, "If a parent of a minor child willfully omits, without lawful excuse, to furnish necessary clothing, food, shelter or medical attendance, or other remedial care for his or her child, he or she is guilty of misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding $2,000, 1 year county jail, or both."

  • Prosecution under federal law. The Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act was passed in 1998 and signed by President Bill Clinton and made it a federal crime to cross state lines in order to avoid child support payments. If a parent who failed to pay child support a minimum of $5,000 for a period of at least 1 year or if the parent owes at least $10,000, the parent may be charged with a felony and, if convicted, may be sentenced to up to 2 years in state prison.

  • Because child support orders are official court orders, a parent disobeying the order risks contempt of court.

SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Chandler

JANET ARVIZO   (Mother of Alleged Victim in accusations from trial in 2005)

In February 2006, Janet Arvizo was convicted of welfare fraud for failing to report the $150,000 civil settlement in that case. She was sentenced to 150 hours of community service and an $8,600 fine.[18]

 It was also revealed that Janet Arvizo had enrolled all three of her children in acting classes and had accused a JC Penney security guard of sexually molesting her two sons in 2001.[16] 

Source:  Wikipedia


- Remember the court hearings about Conrad Murray being behind on his child support payments

This fact was used to support theory that Conrad Murray was broke - desperate for money - would have done anything for money including giving medications as accused that having ended the alleged victims life.

Source:  Wikipedia


A father of 9 children, Sneddon was Chair of the Committee for Child Support Enforcement since its inception in 1991. He was presented with a "Director's Award" in 1995 by the California Family Support Council. A year later he was appointed co-chair of the National District Attorney's Child Support Committee and invited by the US Attorney General Janet Reno to be a member of the Presidential Commission's Federal Task Force to review and enhance federal criminal prosecutions for failure to pay child support. 

Source: Wikipedia


1)  Evan Chandler - should have been in the process of being convicted for the excessive amount of child support he was behind.   Had he been charged and processed through the legal system he wouldn't have been able to pull the scam on Michael Jackson and would not have been out and about drugging up the rich and famous "SleepDoctor"    

2)  Janet Arvizo -   Her past criminal record of fraud (2 instances) should have been a district attorney's first clue that the accusation she was making against Michael Jackson were most likely not true.  However, after the first accusation with Evan Chandler didn't make it to court, it appears that these facts about Janet Arvizo's background were ignored and Michael Jackson's civil rights violated.

3)  Conrad Murray - Enter the Doctor accused of killing Michael Jackson - also an American with black skin.  His history was looked into and used to formulate theory that he was desperate for money and that would lead him to make bad decisions in his medical treatment of Michael Jackson.  Why would this be motivation for a physician to harm Michael Jackson but in the cases being handled by Thomas Sneddon that would put Michael Jackson (an American with Black Skin) behind bar but NOT CONSIDERED when evaluating the truthfulness of the two making accusations against Michael Jackson.

4)  Thomas Sneddon -   His history of involvement with California Family Support Committee, Committee for Child Support Enforcement and with the Presidential Commission's Federal Task Force to review and enhance federal criminal prosecutions for failure to pay child support - all these should have been factors that would put into question several things.

    a)  Why was Evan Chandler not already charged and prosecuted for his over $60,000 in back 
          child support?

     b)  Why did a District Attorney not look into the background of someone making accusations 
            against a citizen of the United States with NO CRIMINAL BACKGROUND?

     c)  Apparently the prosecutor that handled Dr. Conrad Murray's case did look into the background of      Conrad Murray and made the observation that his failure to pay child support was reason to question his motives / and ultimate decisions that lead to the "death" of the alleged victim Michael Jackson.

5)  I have to also wonder - was there a relationship between Thomas Sneddon and Evan Chandler?  Did they know each other prior to the allegations made against Michael Jackson.   With Evan Chandler being over $60,000 behind in child support and Sneddon active in that arena of law enforcement - receiving awards for his contributions - that Sneddon would be unaware of who Evan Chandler was or that he might be willing to do something for someone to overlook his criminal behavior of non payment of child support.  
Chandler was enough in the arrears to be charged with a felony and face a sentence of up to 2 years.  So was that a choice made - and was that choice made based on Michael Jackson's fame and that a conviction there would guaranty Thomas Sneddon's name in history?  

FORTUNATELY - Thomas Mesereau, was Michael's attorney and the jury was chosen  was responsible and came to the correct conclusion in 2005 trial.  Michael Jackson found INNOCENT on all 14 charges.

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