IV's in Right Arm or Left Arm - or both ~ Bald & No Eyelashes or Hair & Eyelashes
Photo 1
This photo appears no hair / eyebrows - just shadows but look which arm has the bandages- his left arm correct?
Photo 2
This picture more obvious there is hair - but now the bandages are on the right arm, correct?
How could this be? The photo has been "flipped" notice the numbers on the plaque appear to be reversed as well. Wonder why the one hand and part of the arm is being hidden by the white sheet.
NOW... COMPARE TO THIS PHOTO - Look how clearly you can see Hair - and eyelashes and eyebrows.... not quite the same in the photos above. In the photo below it appears that the tape across the face is securing a feeding tube in the nostril - the ambulance photo shows that the bagging was done via mouth versus nose and mouth. Why would there have been a feeding tube. I've confirmed with a medical professional that works in emergency room medicine and they agreed that the would be no reason for any feeding tube in this type of health emergency.
In this video Alberto Alvarez indicates in this video that he doesn't recall seeing any clear plastic tubing attached to Mr Jackson - for air https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQTRlUSlfZg at 11:11
This appears to be evidence in the case of People v. Murray - notice the arms... the sign reads correctly so the image isn't a reversed image and the arm that is by the sign is the body's left arm.
Photo 1 above shows the sign by the left arm but the body is facing the opposite direction.
How many bodies were there - how many photos were taken on how many days. Seems to me that this was done to cause people to NOTICE .... in other words to smell a RAT.
Please also visit this post: The Heart of the Matter.... http://3rdeyeseesdifferent.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-heart-of-matter.html
This post talks about congealed blood - what it looks like. The images of the body prior to the autopsy shows a would in the center of the chest. It appears to be "red" in color. If a body is dead there will be no red. Since the picture below is a "dead body" the red cannot be... either body is alive or the would is makeup. Why would it be this way - - - - why doesn't anyone question this! So many medical experts in this case and none questioned it.
In the ambulance - - - notice how the airway has been established and is being "bagged"
Here below is an example of a similar set up - however this person also had a feeding tube. This resembles what I see in the picture above with the body on the gurney.
This image from the autopsy report indicates the tiny patch on the back of the head affected by the burn ... well is that the size and placement...?
Seems to me the burn was more on the top of his head and larger in size than what the report indicates. And the medical records from the AEG trial indicate there were keloid scars - the autopsy report does not reflect this. Why?
My observations:
At 15 second mark look at the upper arm vs lower arm - looks photo shopped.
Why would his brother, Jermaine, be the official to announce "from a hospital" the death of his brother this is normally done by a hospital spokesperson
Michael's legal name is Michael Joe Jackson not Michael Joseph Jackson as indicated on this autopsy report - so who is Michael Joseph Jackson.
The information about his income from tabloid magazines - I'm sure that information is not public or accessible by tabloids seriously and what does this have to do with his autopsy - added for "hype" sensationalism to sell the show.
But when was the skin cream first used? was it used to lighten darker patches which were percentage wise less than the light ones. He said they first used makeup to darken the light spots - then later when the percentage switched lightening the dark was the treatment.
The burn.... why aren't there scars indicated on the autopsy report that if this was Michael's body there would have been???? Not just one itty bitty spot - seriously... 11:03 look at the size of the burn and it's location top of the head not the back of the head! and What proof of multiple plastic surgeries .
Where is all this information in the autopsy report... nothing said in the first 12 min comes from facts from the so called autopsy report - nothing about his medial history spoken about in this video are taken from Michael's actual medical records. Who are these "people" talking in this video they are not introduced or is it explained how they are experts on Michael Jackson's life and show no proof of anything they are saying.
Arthritis is common in many people his age or even younger... limit his movement - ok - watch all of This is It - you'll see he does have the ability to move.
The autopsy should indicate if "Jackson" acutally had Lupus - so why make up so story of why else the lungs might have been damaged. The doctor talking about the facts in the Autopsy report actually states that there was no Demerol use for quite some time.
Autopsy reports given definitive answers not tabloid questions. World speculations - we've drifted totally away from any facts listed on this so called autopsy report.
Showbiz Journalist... hmmm that sounds very tabloid to me. I beg to differ in opinion - at no point in This is It does Michael look like he isn't control of his body or ability.
Urine sample - did they ever prove urine found in bottle at the scene was actually Michael's?
No Demerol taken for some time - this directly contradicts what the tabloid guy said previously in this video so why talk about withdrawl from the drug - that just continues to imply he had used it recently.
The only information correct in any of this are those spoken by the guy whose supposedly going over the autopsy report - however this video is still about the tabloid lies.
Enlarged Prostate? If he would only have to go to the bathroom more frequently - then why the catheter - that would be used for someone who can't get up. Once a catheter is in it usually stays in. The using of them on a nightly basis would increase someone's risk of infection.
This guy Jason - has made up lies about Michael - so why would we believe anything he said. Anything he says about Michael's medical treatments is a breach of confidentiality. The entry site of the iv in the leg is only related to Michael if the body that was autopsied belonged to the actual King of Pop whose legal name is Michael Joe Jackson. If you look at the autopsy report it indicates the person is a Michael Joseph Jackson - and it does matter - look at the actually name on the case in 2005 - Michael Joe Jackson is his legal name. HELLO - it's not MJ-
All the drugs administered by "Dr. Murray" would have already expired from the body - so would have not contributed to the death of whomever this body belonged to.
The information about his income from tabloid magazines - I'm sure that information is not public or accessible by tabloids seriously and what does this have to do with his autopsy - added for "hype" sensationalism to sell the show.
But when was the skin cream first used? was it used to lighten darker patches which were percentage wise less than the light ones. He said they first used makeup to darken the light spots - then later when the percentage switched lightening the dark was the treatment.
The burn.... why aren't there scars indicated on the autopsy report that if this was Michael's body there would have been???? Not just one itty bitty spot - seriously... 11:03 look at the size of the burn and it's location top of the head not the back of the head! and What proof of multiple plastic surgeries .
Where is all this information in the autopsy report... nothing said in the first 12 min comes from facts from the so called autopsy report - nothing about his medial history spoken about in this video are taken from Michael's actual medical records. Who are these "people" talking in this video they are not introduced or is it explained how they are experts on Michael Jackson's life and show no proof of anything they are saying.
Arthritis is common in many people his age or even younger... limit his movement - ok - watch all of This is It - you'll see he does have the ability to move.
The autopsy should indicate if "Jackson" acutally had Lupus - so why make up so story of why else the lungs might have been damaged. The doctor talking about the facts in the Autopsy report actually states that there was no Demerol use for quite some time.
Autopsy reports given definitive answers not tabloid questions. World speculations - we've drifted totally away from any facts listed on this so called autopsy report.
Showbiz Journalist... hmmm that sounds very tabloid to me. I beg to differ in opinion - at no point in This is It does Michael look like he isn't control of his body or ability.
Urine sample - did they ever prove urine found in bottle at the scene was actually Michael's?
No Demerol taken for some time - this directly contradicts what the tabloid guy said previously in this video so why talk about withdrawl from the drug - that just continues to imply he had used it recently.
The only information correct in any of this are those spoken by the guy whose supposedly going over the autopsy report - however this video is still about the tabloid lies.
Enlarged Prostate? If he would only have to go to the bathroom more frequently - then why the catheter - that would be used for someone who can't get up. Once a catheter is in it usually stays in. The using of them on a nightly basis would increase someone's risk of infection.
This guy Jason - has made up lies about Michael - so why would we believe anything he said. Anything he says about Michael's medical treatments is a breach of confidentiality. The entry site of the iv in the leg is only related to Michael if the body that was autopsied belonged to the actual King of Pop whose legal name is Michael Joe Jackson. If you look at the autopsy report it indicates the person is a Michael Joseph Jackson - and it does matter - look at the actually name on the case in 2005 - Michael Joe Jackson is his legal name. HELLO - it's not MJ-
All the drugs administered by "Dr. Murray" would have already expired from the body - so would have not contributed to the death of whomever this body belonged to.
You don't need an antidote for propofol - it is metabolized and out of the system very quickly.
If you actually only listen to the words spoken by the doctor that discusses the autopsy report you'll notice that most everything else in this video is not based on facts from the autopsy report of a person by the name of Michael Joseph Jackson vs that of Michael Joe Jackson. Notice how even this doctor stated "Michael Joseph Jackson" - - the world knows him as MJ or Michael - no need to use a middle name unless it differentiates one "Michael Jackson" from "another Michael Jackson" . Just like with artists like Cher - Madonna - Beyonce' we don't need middle names or last names - pretty much everyone knows who you are talking about with just a first name.
Additional dose - he wouldn't have been awake long enough to give himself enough to kill himself... hello... think about it .
Traces of the drug were never detected from the bag of the iv down the tube to the port..... wow... that means the jury convicted an innocent man!!! Supported by the judge/court... hmmm this is our judicial system? I am now afraid - we all should be.
Livor mortis (Latin: livor—"bluish color," mortis—"of death"), postmortem lividity (Latin: postmortem—"after death", lividity—"black and blue"), hypostasis (Greek: hypo, meaning "under, beneath"; stasis, meaning "a standing"[1][2]) or suggillation, is one of the signs of death. Livor mortis is a settling of the blood in the lower (dependent) portion of the body, causing a purplish red discoloration of the skin. When the heart stops functioning and is no longer agitating the blood, heavy red blood cells sink through the serum by action of gravity.
Livor mortis starts twenty minutes to three hours after death and is congealed in the capillaries in four to five hours. Maximum lividity occurs within 6–12 hours. The blood pools into the interstitial tissues of the body. The intensity of the color depends upon the amount of reduced hemoglobin in the blood. The discoloration does not occur in the areas of the body that are in contact with the ground or another object, in which capillaries are compressed. As the vessel walls become permeable due to decomposition, blood leaks through them and stains the tissue. This is the reason for fixation of hypostasis.
Coroners can use the presence or absence of livor mortis as a means of determining an approximate time of death. The presence of livor mortis is also an indication of when it would be futile to begin CPR, or when it would be ineffective to continue if it is in progress. It can also be used by forensic investigators to determine whether or not a body has been moved - for instance, if the body is found lying face down but the pooling is present on the deceased's back, investigators can conclude that the body was originally positioned face up.
The picture of the body on the gurney appears to have the feeding tube and breathing equipment inserted prior to "passing" - the autopsy photos appear to me to show that the throat still has the support of that equipment for breathing and possibly under the tape is the breathing tube - I would think that all of this including the "catheter" and bandages would have been removed prior to going to the morgue.
Noted that in all the photos taken in the morgue/autopsy that one of the arms from the elbow down seem to be purposely hidden.... why wouldn't they make sure all the parts are photographed....?
Please also visit this post: The Heart of the Matter.... http://3rdeyeseesdifferent.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-heart-of-matter.html
Additional dose - he wouldn't have been awake long enough to give himself enough to kill himself... hello... think about it .
Traces of the drug were never detected from the bag of the iv down the tube to the port..... wow... that means the jury convicted an innocent man!!! Supported by the judge/court... hmmm this is our judicial system? I am now afraid - we all should be.
Livor mortis (Latin: livor—"bluish color," mortis—"of death"), postmortem lividity (Latin: postmortem—"after death", lividity—"black and blue"), hypostasis (Greek: hypo, meaning "under, beneath"; stasis, meaning "a standing"[1][2]) or suggillation, is one of the signs of death. Livor mortis is a settling of the blood in the lower (dependent) portion of the body, causing a purplish red discoloration of the skin. When the heart stops functioning and is no longer agitating the blood, heavy red blood cells sink through the serum by action of gravity.
Livor mortis starts twenty minutes to three hours after death and is congealed in the capillaries in four to five hours. Maximum lividity occurs within 6–12 hours. The blood pools into the interstitial tissues of the body. The intensity of the color depends upon the amount of reduced hemoglobin in the blood. The discoloration does not occur in the areas of the body that are in contact with the ground or another object, in which capillaries are compressed. As the vessel walls become permeable due to decomposition, blood leaks through them and stains the tissue. This is the reason for fixation of hypostasis.
The picture of the body on the gurney appears to have the feeding tube and breathing equipment inserted prior to "passing" - the autopsy photos appear to me to show that the throat still has the support of that equipment for breathing and possibly under the tape is the breathing tube - I would think that all of this including the "catheter" and bandages would have been removed prior to going to the morgue.
Noted that in all the photos taken in the morgue/autopsy that one of the arms from the elbow down seem to be purposely hidden.... why wouldn't they make sure all the parts are photographed....?
Please also visit this post: The Heart of the Matter.... http://3rdeyeseesdifferent.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-heart-of-matter.html
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