"Using just Head of Household" 49,400 x 15% = 7,410 leaving 41,990 minus state/local taxes so for every 1000 Americans in the 15 percent bracket potential income for the "Government" is: 7,410,000.00 432,201 X 39.6% 171,151.59 leaving 261,049.41 so for every 1000 Americans making 432,201 in the 39.6% tax bracket that is potential income for the "Government" is: 171,151,590.00 I say that the PEOPLE OWN THE GOVERNMENT AND THE GOVERNMENT DOESNT EXIST WITHOUT US AND OUR MONEY - GET MY POINT - OUR MONEY PAYS THE IRS - GET MY POINT If we don't work we don't have any money - and neither does the government - - - - GET MY POINT this is reality - we are working in the illusion of money -